Friday, August 31, 2012

Mox: O Canada

Yesterday we arrived in New Hampshire ("Live free or die"), via Vermont and a top slice of New York. For the prior four days we were in Ontario, mostly in the city of Ottawa. Traveling through the small towns and vast countryside of rural Ontario one has the impression that the good times perhaps rolled right out of town with the sawmills. Pretty much what I had expected - good folks working hard to make a living. 
Coming into Ottawa, however, was a treat. Perhaps due to the luxury of moving from a tent to a hotel room (thanks Hotwire and Anna); perhaps due to the change from poor rural to a relaxed but prosperous national capitol.
We took an impressive tour of the Parliament with its House (elected) and its Senate (appointed) and I could not stop comparing their system to the USA version with its presidential election madness. I understand the major difference in populations etc etc etc, but my, my, our system, with its inherent incivility and legally protected PACs, is not the best way for democracy to manifest. We can do better and we owe it to our red-white-blue hearts to seek out ways to improve it. 
The last night we were in Ottawa we viewed one of the greatest light/sound shows I have ever seen. The two photos above only hint at the show that was projected onto the Parliament building. For thirty minutes Pam, I, and a few hundred gathered on the lawn were held spellbound with a rapid fire surround-sound salute to the diversity, culture, history, and pride of Canada. I tried to imagine such a show being projected onto the side of the US Capitol or the White House but just couldn't do it. 
It reminded me that, although the USA is a great nation with a diversity unmatched, it is not the only country with liberty and justice and pride. As I celebrated with Canadians and visitors I found myself really celebrating the distance that we have come as a human species. Let us collectively vow to never take a step backwards and to help those who yearn for the securities and freedoms that we know are basic to human happiness. Thanks to all those who have come before us with Godly intentions and Godly actions. 
If you have the opportunity, put Ottawa on your bucket list as the show will continue during summers for four more years.

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