Sunday, July 22, 2012


When we were selling our home, in a time warp that seems to have been eons ago, friends and family kept asking us what we were going to do. "Where are you going?" Althought we had thought about moving, talked about moving, and fantasized about moving, we didn't have a clear plan about moving nor an understanding about the impact of moving. Really, I don't think we believed we would ever move.

While we were somewhat apprehensive about the whole idea, others were over joyed. While we were dazed and confused, others thought we had been planning this and were "right on" with the concept. While we often thought we were crazy to think about our homeless adventure, others thought we were adventuresome. When we uttered our lack of clarity; when we uttered our lack of a plan (we had no clue as to where we were going to live); when we uttered out any hint at confusion; almost everyone responded enthusiastically, "Come stay with us, we have lots of room." "Stay as long as you like, we love company." 

Now it is true that most of the responders did have room. Like us they were empty nesters who still had extra bedrooms. Others were young and hadn't filled up their bedrooms yet. This generosity got us to thinking. We started jokingly fantasizing about how long we could go without a house. After all, we once before went without a television for 6 whole months until the Olympics came on and we caved. We started mentally plotting our friends and family on map to see where our travels would take us if we took advantage of all our friendly responders as well as freedom from responsibility. We could stay with friends and family until THEY COULD NO LONGER STAND US. (Remindful of National Lampoons vacation series.)(Which many of you know we tried to emulate when we went to Europe.) 

As a side note this concept had occurred to us once before. In 1986 with 4 children in tow, we went to visit Mox's brother in California. While we were lounging in the pool, and you know how I love pools, I suggested to Mox that we could be the relatives that came to visit and never left. Luckily for them, our Iowa values kicked in and we left as scheduled. 

 However, now we are older, more forgetful and braver. We are also, at least temporarily, on a "fixed income." Just maybe we won't leave. This brought us to the concept of burning bridges, which most of our lives we have tried hard not to do. Now, tongue in cheek, we decided to take a Burning The Bridges Together Tour 2012. Take everyone up on their generosity!

Watch out when inviting us in.

 P.S. (Can you have a P.S. in a blog?) Ironically the Olympics are starting again. Can we survive them without a house?  and P.P.S. we really aren't missing our home.

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